Sister Filomena Mastrangelo
Director of Residential Services
Dear Student, Adult, Parents, and Guardians,
I am Sister Filomena, I have been of the Marian Center since 2011 and I am responsible for the residence. I am really happy with the service I carry out in collaboration with Sister Fausta and the cottage employees.
We work together to make the ladies in the Cottage BEAUTIFUL and HAPPY, and provide a welcoming, safe and familiar environment. I am grateful to God for to being here with you!
I’m doing different activities: I go shopping with cottage ladies, I accompany them on medical visits, I buy the food needed in the kitchen. For the holiday, I help with the decorations; I prepare for mass and I play the organ in the Marian Center “band”. I really enjoy doing the ladies hair and makeup and seeing them look beautiful
My goal is that at the Marian Center everyone can feel welcome and supported by all the operators.
Together we make a difference.